
How it works

How the Parallel Market Works

The operation of the parallel market can be laborious, complicated, and risky:

  • We say it's laborious because you can spend countless hours searching for and finding suppliers who may never provide you with the merchandise you need.
  • It's also complicated due to the complexity of the laws that affect any product and expose you to high fines and penalties, including:
  • Labeling
  • Special taxes and customs procedures
  • Environmental or packaging recycling fees
  • International trademark rights
  • And finally, it's dangerous because of the risks associated with purchasing:
  • Many companies evade taxes, and if you've bought from them, it can potentially implicate your own company.
  • Advance payments, even if they are small as a "reservation," may never be recovered because the legal costs exceed the debt.

Red Parallela serves as the firewall between your company and all these inconveniences.

And this is how it operates:

  1. A distributor (supplier) offers us a stock.
  2. We automatically offer this stock to other distributors (clients).
  3. A client expresses interest and places an order with us.
  4. We forward the order to the supplier.
  5. The supplier sends us a proforma invoice.
  6. We create our proforma invoice for the client.
  7. The client provides payment guarantees.
  8. We verify and ensure the condition of the merchandise with the supplier and make the payment.
  9. We load the merchandise at the supplier's location and transport it to the client.
  10. The client inspects the merchandise and makes payment.
  11. We deliver the merchandise to the client.

For all these reasons, we want to emphasize that the best way to navigate the necessary parallel market is through Red Parallela. Red Parallela has a deep understanding of how the parallel market operates since 1991. And we can confidently state the following:

  • The operation of the parallel market with Red Parallela carries no legal or financial risks.
  • The operation of the parallel market with Red Parallela is based on complete confidentiality with its suppliers and clients.
  • Red Parallela is a guarantee of peace of mind and success.