




In accordance with the obligations established in Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter referred to as LSSIYCE), RED PARALELA BC, SL, with tax identification number B5907637 and registered office at Carretera BV – 2112, Km 4.5, 08810 – SANT PERE DE RIBES (BARCELONA) and email address, declares that it owns the domain

RED PARALELA BCN, SL is registered in the Commercial Registry of Barcelona, Volume 20788, Page B-12143.

RED PARALELA BCN, SL cannot assume any responsibility arising from the incorrect or unlawful use of the information appearing on its web pages or online presence on various social networks. Within the limits established by law, RED PARALELA BCN, SL assumes no liability for the lack of veracity, integrity, updating, and accuracy of the data or information contained on its internet pages.

The contents and information of the internet pages and social networks of RED PARALELA BCN SL are prepared by duly qualified professionals for the exercise of their profession. However, the contents and information do not bind the aforementioned company, nor do they constitute opinions, advice, or legal advice of any kind, as it is merely a service offered for informational and educational purposes.

The internet pages and social networks of RED PARALELA BCN, SL may contain links to other third-party pages. Therefore, it cannot assume responsibility for the content that may appear on third-party pages. The texts, images, sounds, animations, software, and other content included on this website are the exclusive property of RED PARALELA BCN, SL or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, assignment, reproduction, storage, or public communication, total or partial, must have the express consent of RED PARALELA BCN, SL.

Similarly, it reserves the right to withdraw access to the portal without prior notice to any user who violates the provisions of this legal notice.


Under the regulations for the protection of personal data, you hereby authorize that the personal data provided will be processed under the responsibility of RED PARALELA BCN, SL and domicile at Carretera BV – 2112 Km 4.5, 08810 – SANT PERE DE RIBES (Barcelona).

Contact form: Your data will be processed with the purpose of addressing your request, this being the cause that legitimizes the treatment. These will be kept until you express your will to unsubscribe, and will not be transmitted to third parties.

Registration form: Your data will be processed with the purpose of including in our selection procedures according to your express consent. Your data will be kept as long as the selection process lasts and subsequently will be confidentially destroyed in a period not exceeding 1 year. They will not be transmitted to third parties.

If captured through the use of analytical cookies that you have previously accepted when accessing our website, they will be used for the purposes of analysis specified in our cookie policy. Your data will be subject to international transfer to the United States and kept for the necessary time for the purpose detailed in our cookie policy.

In any case, you may indicate the revocation of the consent given, if this was the basis that legitimized the treatment, or exercise the rights provided:

- Access: the interested party has the right to know if the responsible handles personal data of theirs and, if so, has the right to access these data, as well as to obtain information regarding the treatments performed.

- Rectification: Linked to the character of inaccuracy or incompleteness of the data. The interested party has the right to rectify their inaccurate personal data and to have their incomplete personal data completed.

- Deletion: The interested party has the right to obtain the deletion of their personal data ("right to be forgotten"), when they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected, the consent on which the treatment was based is revoked, the interested party opposes the treatment, the data have been unlawfully processed, they have to be deleted to comply with a legal obligation, or they have been obtained in relation to the offer of services of the information society addressed to minors.

- Limitation of processing: it is a right of the interested person consisting of marking their personal data kept with the purpose of limiting the processing in the future. The limitation of processing implies that, at the request of the interested person, their indicated personal data will cease to be processed.

- Opposition: the interested party has the right to oppose the processing of their data when it is based on certain specific assumptions and a reason related to their personal situation is invoked.

- Portability of data: the interested party has the right to receive their personal data provided to the person responsible for the processing in a structured, commonly used and machine