


Our team is currently composed by 5 people at the office and 4 at the warehouse, with an average up to 8 years working together. For that reason we can assure that we are an expert team in the fields of international trade, logistics, wholesale distribution, finance and issues related to our activity and customers. That’s why it’s very easy for us to connect with other small or medium sized wholesalers and manufacturers interested in our services.

Our mission is to assist you in that part of your company that buys or sells out of the scope of your distribution, helping to achieve the goals keeping it competitive in the market. We put at your disposal our team, that will know how to assist you and help in what you need.

We together will realize your goals, ours too.

Trading team:

Sales and purchases and orders tracking.

Susana González

+34 671 083 812 

Mercedes Guerrero

+34 667 644 649

Administration and logistics:

For general administration and logistic service:

Carmen Jiménez

+34 696 961 905

Warehouse manager:

For everything related to warehousing:

Fernando Guzmán

+34 696 961 913

Executive director:

For all the rest.

Celia Rosales

+34 661 931 324


For legal issues only.

Joan Grau